VetREC serves those who serve Veterans.

VetREC (Veteran Research and Education Curation LLC) is a specialized consulting firm focused on Veteran research and service development. We partner with Veteran Service Organizations and Veteran-centric research institutions, ensuring the Veteran voice is at the forefront and community impact is prioritized.

What does VetREC do?

At VetREC (Veteran Research and Education Curation LLC), we are dedicated to highlighting the remarkable work of Veteran Service Organizations (VSOs) and research institutions. Our mission is to help you tell your story and amplify your impact.

Serving VSOs:

VetREC collaborates with VSOs to evaluate their effectiveness and communicate their successes to diverse audiences, including grant funders. By partnering with us, VSOs can develop and maintain robust internal research infrastructures, enabling them to measure, analyze, and share their impact on Veterans over time.

Supporting Researchers:

VetREC assists researchers in “work with and not on Veterans” in their studies, boosting participant numbers, and improving response and retention rates. Our curated workshops and Veteran research engagement toolkits empower universities and research institutions to work collaboratively with Veterans. This approach ensures reciprocal engagement, simplifies data collection, and maximizes community impact.

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Community change thrives through collaboration. Beyond partnerships and consulting services, VetREC provides free membership to the VetREC Community—a virtual networking platform that unites Veterans (and their families), community leaders, and researchers. This space fosters learning, partnership, and collaboration, all with the goal of supporting Veterans on their path to healing.

Who should join the VetREC Community?

The VetREC Community is a place for collaboration and community-building. Ideal members include:
Individuals who are currently or who have previously served in the U.S. Military and/or are a family members/caregiver.
Researchers (tenure track, non tenure track, independent, private/government sector) working on or interested in Veteran-focused research.
Students of Veteran Studies.
Leaders/advocates working in a community-based and/or governmental organization offering direct services, programs, and/or care to Veterans.
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